SRA Samples
In March 2020, a claimant brought a claim against his plumber for a breach of contract alleged to have taken place in June 2014.
The plumber operated as a sole trader. In August 2020, the plumber died. The plumber’s assets are being dealt with by her personal representatives. In October 2020, the claimant applied to substitute the plumber’s personal representatives for the deceased plumber in the claim so that the claim could continue.
What powers does the court have to make a substitution for the plumber as a deceased party in the claim?
In March 2020, a claimant brought a claim against his plumber for a breach of contract alleged to have taken place in June 2014.
The plumber operated as a sole trader. In August 2020, the plumber died. The plumber’s assets are being dealt with by her personal representatives. In October 2020, the claimant applied to substitute the plumber’s personal representatives for the deceased plumber in the claim so that the claim could continue.
What powers does the court have to make a substitution for the plumber as a deceased party in the claim?
The court can order a new party to be substituted because the relevant limitation period was current when the proceedings were started.
C - The court can order a new party to be substituted because the relevant limitation period was current when the proceedings were started.
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