Legal System of England and Wales
A County Court Judge is hearing a case in which a claimant is suing for damages arising from drinking a bottled beverage that contained part of a roach.
In making their ruling, the judge explained that a similar case was heard years before that interpreted a statute and so they must consider stare decisis.
What does stare decisis mean?
A County Court Judge is hearing a case in which a claimant is suing for damages arising from drinking a bottled beverage that contained part of a roach.
In making their ruling, the judge explained that a similar case was heard years before that interpreted a statute and so they must consider stare decisis.
What does stare decisis mean?
Let the decision stand.
(C) Stare decisis means that a decision reached previously by a higher court will be binding on the courts below.
In Latin,
(A) translates to 'ratio decidendi',
(B) translates to 'ejudem generis' (it is used to interpret general words in a law that follow specific words).
(D) does not have a commonly used Latin translation phrase associated with it.
(E) translates to in 'pari materia' in Latin and is a rule of interpretation under which language in one law is interpreted consistently with another law.
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